The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160168   Message #3800593
Posted By: Steve Shaw
16-Jul-16 - 06:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Demise of the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: Demise of the Labour Party
"The UK economy at present is one of the strongest in the developed world. Don't think many Corbyn supporters had anything to do with that though."

So lefties are all feckless benefits claimants then are they? Not the people who keep the NHS afloat in spite of Toryism, not the people who keep our old people happy in care homes on a pittance, not the kids who are being duped into thinking that they're on an "apprenticeship," not the millions of retail industry workers who are on the minimum wage and who can be called in to work until ten at night or all day Saturday and Sunday to make sure that you can shop at your whim, not the exploited millions who change the beds and clean the bogs in stuffy hotel bedrooms to keep rich foreign tourists happy? Yes, many of them are Corbyn supporters who do a damn sight more to keep this economy afloat than most of those spivs in the City who rob the world blind with computer mice. That quote of yours plumbs the depths of disgrace more than anything you've ever said, which is saying something, eh? Talk about us and them...