The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158911   Message #3800626
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
16-Jul-16 - 09:12 PM
Thread Name: Yet More Clutter's Last Stand - 2016
Subject: RE: Yet More Clutter's Last Stand - 2016

Willy woodchuck dashed from the vicinity of the raised beds to his front door when I went out about 8 pm! I cut the leaves off a cauliflower and left them at his door! Maybe...

Busy all day - well after I got up about 10 after getting to bed at 3, thanks to problem contacting tech support - 2 hours! THEN I turned everything off and re-booted and....! Yep! So I paid some bills and spent time on FB and deleting emails to settle down before bed.

Had a fun time at the Market, visiting and gathering info. To the home of woman from whom I agreed to buy an old kiln - last fall! She was going to phone me... So today I picked up the shelves and furniture, gave her a couple things bound for thrift shop; she gave me a pair of slip on shoes which I was feeling the need of! And they are going to deliver the kiln - not tonight I guess! Hope for tomorrow! It is closely related to the kiln that died on Whidbey so I am looking forward to checking it out. That one, I knew how to repair totally - after over 20 years of use!

Then to grocery store; I think the ginger root has a couple potential sprouts so I shall give it a try. Advice? I tried this about 35 years ago to no avail... To bank for cash for kiln, to Rona for end caps for eaves troughs - STILL do not have any so Paul promised to write it down and order some for Weds. Still working on a RAIN watering plan for raised beds.

Sorting stuff in shed no room for new kiln.... Bad mosquitoes forced me inside. Manana! Need to get serious about glazing and firing for big craft show in two weeks!

Devised a chart a few days ago - to keep track of weather, what I eat, what supplements I remember to take (reminder), It may work for a while and just maybe I will learn something from it.

Now to write a letter to editor re providing heat relief for our older or heat sensitive residents. In the cities people can sit in malls - if they are able to get there. No malls here so where???? Weds was so bad the eve outdoor concert was cancelled. I sat home and breathed - quietly. But did try to go to concert. Glad it was only 4 minutes away.