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Thread #160168   Message #3800656
Posted By: Teribus
17-Jul-16 - 04:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: Demise of the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: Demise of the Labour Party
pfr, surely it would be more appropriate for the Dodo to be adopted by the Labour Party considering the circumstances they find themselves in.

As for taking a break Mr Shaw, couldn't possibly when you come out with such outrageous assertions based upon nothing bar your own rather ludicrous point of view. You speak with authority for no-one but yourself so please do not be surprised if when you come out with terms like "mainstream Christians" and claim "majorities support" without evidence to back it up you will be taken to task for it.

The Labour Party is in one God awful mess, of it's own making. The only people who support Corbyn are the 100,000 radicals who were allowed to "join" the Labour Party to vote in the last leadership election by paying a £3 fee. The fear from Corbyn's supporters now is the fact that they may now baulk at the prospect of having to pay a heftier £25 fee to vote in this leadership election (What will it be next time? £50 - reads like some sort of sshoddy scam to raise Party funds).

Now instead of Shaw's baseless assertions here are the findings of some polls that have actually been taken that indicate the degree of "support" that Corbyn has:

1: Parliamentary Labour Party are against him 172 to 40

2: Three out of every four voters are against him

3: Labour's NEC had to ignore its own election rules to let Corbyn stand. The vote to let him appear on the ballot as incumbent was only passed by four votes, one of them being Corbyn's own vote.

4: Ipsos Mori Poll question - "Has Jeremy Corbyn got what it takes to be a good Prime Minister?"
Yes - 23% (% for Eagle was 21%)
Don't know - 9% (% for Eagle was 39%)
No - 68% (% for Eagle was 40%)

5: YouGov Poll Question - "If Jeremy Corbyn remains as Labour leader, how likely or unlikely are they to win the next general election?"

Likely - 39%
Unlikely - 57%
Don't know - 4%

6: YouGov Poll of UNITE Members:

Question 1 - "Is Corbyn doing well as Labour Party Leader?"
Yes - 34%
No - 65%

Question 2 - "Is Corbyn ever likely to be PM?"
Yes - 18%
No - 79%

Question 3 - "Should Corbyn lead Labour to next election?"
Yes - 35%
No - 49%

Len McCluskey Boss of UNITE claims his members have got it wrong and that UNITE will support Corbyn - shades of Arthur Scargill? I thought Unions were supposed to represent their members not tell them what is good for them.

7: So what were the views of other Trades Union members?

YouGov poll question - "Do you think Jeremy Corbyn should fight the next General Election as Labour Leader?"

CWU - Yes 30%: No 62%
USDAW - Yes 27%: No 61%
GMB - Yes 34%: No 60%
Unison - Yes 28%: No 59%

8: Sky Data Poll Question - "Who would make a better Prime Minister?"

Theresa May - 62%
Don't know - 20%
Jeremy Corbyn - 18%