The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160168   Message #3800662
Posted By: Teribus
17-Jul-16 - 05:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: Demise of the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: Demise of the Labour Party
Jim Carroll - 17 Jul 16 - 03:08 AM

I say again what balls up?

FTSE up to highest point it has been for 9 months

£1 = €1.20

These reported each day so why do you select information that is one month out of date?

"Typical was the banking crisis, where we bailed out and those who caused it and those in charge paid themselves huge bonuses to put matters matters right."

The banks were bailed out so that people did not lose their savings, that businesses big and small who employ the workforce of the nation could continue to function and that people could be paid. Those sound reasonable explanations as to why the Government felt the need to "bail-out" the banks and come to their rescue? Those in charge of the banks paid themselves big bonuses did they? I seem to recall that they were actually asked to forego their bonuses and in some cases pay them back. Where changes at the top were made in certain institutions the incoming head was offered a salary and bonus package based upon HIS/HER performance NOT that of the institution he/she was taking charge of. Previous example given:

If someone steps in to take over the running of something that was making a £345 million loss each year and 12 months latter has succeeded in reducing that loss to only £150 million a year - he/she has saved the shareholders of that company £195 million pounds in the course of that year - has he/she done a good job? I'd say that he/she had and therefore would deserve the bonus offered when he/she was originally offered the position.

"Still nothing on accommodation for your itinerant work-force, I see??"

On the contrary, I have asked you a number of times now. When you came south to London to find work did you find accommodation? Hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people, all over the world move to find work. That migration of labour generally seems to be towards big cities, yet it does not seem to result in them all finding themselves "homeless" possibly because they did the same as you and I did.

1. Stayed for a short while with someone you knew before finding somewhere affordable to rent.
2. Stayed at a cheap B&B until you could find somewhere affordable to rent.
3. Find somewhere affordable to rent before moving down.

No great mystery Carroll - as I say hundreds of thousands if not millions do it all the time - as well you know.

"The people of Northern Ireland were never asked what they wanted - the sectarians got guns and threatened to invade Dublin"

The people of Ireland weren't asked either, they knew that the political party they supported had won them Home Rule when a gang of seven sectarians decided to start a fight that resulted in the destruction of the centre of Dublin followed by two wars that resulted in massive loss of life - yet you applaud that. shall we put it into perspective:

In 1916 seven men signed the Proclamation of the Republic in Dublin.

The American Declaration of Independence of 1776 had fifty-six signatories.

In 1912 virtually an entire community put their signatures to the Ulster Covenant. In Ulster, 218,206 men signed the Covenant; and 228,991 women signed a parallel Declaration associating themselves with the men in their uncompromising opposition to the new Home Rule Bill now before parliament . A further 19,162 men and 5,055 women of Ulster birth signed in Dublin, Edinburgh, Glasgow, York, Liverpool, London, Manchester and Bristol.

The Ulster Covenant was a truly impressive demonstration of the resolve of early twentieth-century Ulster unionists to remain citizens of the then United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.

Note: Ulster Unionists - not Protestants

Where and when did the UVF ever threaten to march south and "invade Dublin" as you put it? Carson and Craig were explicitly clear on who would face the UVF if Home Rule was forced on Ulster and Ulster men and women were deprived of their birth right as British subjects - the BRITISH GOVERNMENT

and those whose responsibility it was to defend Britian {sic} said they would not carry out that defence.

The responsibility for the defence of Britain was devolved to 57 officers of the 3rd Cavalry Division? Wow they must have been absolute Titans if they were responsible for the defence of Great Britain before the other 440,000 men in the British Army at the time and God knows how many more in the Royal Navy.

You've long lost this battle Keith

No Carroll you lose this battle every single time you bring it up.