The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160019   Message #3800855
Posted By: Stu
18-Jul-16 - 12:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: To Br/Exit Or Not To Br/Exit
Subject: RE: BS: To Br/Exit Or Not To Br/Exit
"Calm down, all will be well, in a few months time all this will just seem like a bad will love it getting to know all these nice trading partners from all over the world......"

Seriously? You think we're just going to drift into a whole slew of trade agreements in a few months? You think we're going to negotiate out of the EU within a few months? You think Article 50 will be triggered in a few months?

May will have little choice to kick the ball into the long grass for a while. We won't gain access to the single market without freedom of movement, and many in the EU won't be minded to be particularly accommodating now. All those Easter European states have a veto, and they're not as easily brought as your leaders told you and they don't care for our world 'status' (such as it was).

To get the trade deals we need (no deals, no investment) we'll probably ending up agreeing to everyone's demands to get a trade deal with them and get royally fucked over at the same time. These deals will be heavily incentivised, lobbied for very aggressively and those offering them will not give two shades about our desire to maintain an NHS for the good of our people, or any of those wonderful 'British' values we're taking back for ourselves and make our country great. Then we need to deal with tariffs for each individual country we trade with, subsidies that we now have to find ourselves from farmers, regions, etc to the complete lack of EU money coming into our cities to regenerate them etc. We need to find the money for the grants we will loose to fund the ground-breaking research we do in our universities (where things are not good following the vote). Boris and Nige lied on their bus. Lied.

You can believe all this flam from the likes of Boris and Farage, but making their Brexit fantasy world a reality is not going to be easy... as the Canadians, who are seven years into trade negotiations with the Eu and still a ways off from ratification. The sheer amount of negotiation to be done is boggling, and we have very few negotiators.

The thing is, Brexit won't be some utopian dream of flag-waving nationalists and the forgotten working class because it's they who will suffer. There is so much to fix and Theresa may knows full well much of this exceeds the mandate of the government; she'll have to go to the country in 2020 to get the go-ahead for any deal with the EU from the voters, and a lot can change in that time. So far we've had little (if any) psotive action from the Brexiteers, and those of us who didn't vote for leaving but have as equal a stake in this country as any leaver will be holding them to account. Not to do so would be to go against what we've stood for so long in this country and what the Leavers forgot in their hurry to go; we have a history of progressive and radical politics which has always challenged the status quo to improve the lot of the ordinary man.

Brexiteers, prepare to be challenged. For years and years to come.