The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160242   Message #3800918
Posted By: Teribus
18-Jul-16 - 07:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Theresa May, failure and hypocrite
Subject: RE: BS: Theresa May, failure and hypocrite
Jim Carroll - Date: 18 Jul 16 - 03:37 PM

So Jom still unable to produce any proof whatsoever that those useless 7.62 x 51 mm rounds were ever delivered to Syria. You couldn't provide evidence of their delivery then and you cannot provide evidence now.

You have no explanation at all of why a country would buy ammunition that would not be suitable for the guns they issue to their Armed Forces and their Police Units by dint of the fact that they simply would be incapable of being fired.

"You bent over backwards to claim first they weren't sold ammunition by Britian"

Why can you not spell Britain correctly Jom - is that a demonstration of your attention to detail? Or are you simply incapable, I suspect the latter. By the way they were not sold ammunition by Britain. Although asked many times to prove that Britain did sell Assad arms, you have singularly failed to prove that they did. What the British Government did do was to grant a private citizen of the EU an export licence to sell the Syrian Government some 7.62mm ammunition, my guess You my little Anglophobic friend have not been able to prove otherwise.

the bullets were too small - Not got to much of a handle on this have you, you moron, God knows it has been explained to you often enough ( You've even been shown photographs), are you really that thick that you cannot grasp the significance of it - a 7.62mm NATO round is 12 mm too long to fit into an AK-47 Magazine and breech, in short an AK-47 cannot fire an NATO 7.62mm round. So there would be absolutely no point at all in the Syrians buying this ammunition that you can provide no proof that they ever actually bought. Persist with this if you must, but have you any idea at all what a complete and utter fool you are making of yourself?

"You gave the nod to Britain selling Assad chemicals capable of manufacturing weapons because they were also used as an ingredient for toothpaste (around the time he was gassing his opponents)."

Please show me where "I gave the nod" as you put it. "x" amount of sodium fluoride was provided to two Syrian companies in 2010 ostensibly to produce "y" grams of toothpaste, investigation by the Government Department responsible for granting the export licence reveals that the two Syrian companies did in fact produce "y" amount of toothpaste so you tell me what was the sodium flouride used for making toothpaste or making Sarin Gas two years later? My money is on the fact that it went to making toothpaste.

"You kept mum when it was suggested that Britain should have brought pressure on Assad by confiscating his property - you may as well wear a tee-shirt with his head on it.

Really? Why? Many, many villains put the title of property bought by the proceeds of their ill-gotten gains in other peoples names. Give us a list of properties owned in the UK by Bashir-al Assad. Then show me how and when I was supposed to have given this "nod" - you won't do that because you can't you dissembling wanker

"Did you ever get round to proving that they were the weapons used, or even, the only weapons used?"

You were provided with a link that detailed what weapons were used by the Syrian Army and Police Force - they get their weapons for Russia. NATO ammunition is useless if those are the weapons used.

"you never attempt to prove anything, arrogantly expecting us to take your word for everything."

Ehmmmm NO Jom as you and your fellow travellers have said that you never believe a word I say I leave you to check it out for yourselves - only thing is you and your pals can never be bothered to do so - others on this forum do and see what compete and utter prats you are making of yourselves.

"I don't believe your pronouncements - you tell too many lies"

Yet over all these years you have not been able to expose one such lie - why is that JOM?