The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160242   Message #3800975
Posted By: Teribus
19-Jul-16 - 05:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: Theresa May, failure and hypocrite
Subject: RE: BS: Theresa May, failure and hypocrite
""So Jom still unable to produce any proof whatsoever that those useless 7.62 x 51 mm rounds were ever delivered to Syria."
I never set out to prove such a thing; why should I?"

Why should you Jom??? Possibly because you came out with the unsubstantiated and unproven claim that British weapons were killing Syrians in Homs you prat - That claim was challenged by both Keith A and myself. You were unable to provide any substantiation for your ridiculous claim and then started wriggling - you have continued to wriggle ever since - you are the one that has changed your stance continually over this issue as every claim put forward by you has been exposed as complete and utter misrepresentation or a bare faced lie.

The stand taken by Keith A and myself has been extremely constant:

1: We do not believe any ammunition was ever sent to Syria in 2009 as the ammunition was the wrong type to be of any use to the Syrian Army or police force.

2: The amount of ammunition covered by the export licence was minute as well as being useless, HAD it been delivered in 2009 then it would in all probability have been expended by 2011.

You claimed that a report from Amnesty International stated that electrical equipment supplied by the British was used to torture prisoners of the Assad regime in Syria - I read the report you referred to and quoted the only passage in it that refers to the use of electricity for torture - There is no mmention at all of what you claimed the report stated - in short Jim Carroll you told a bare-faced lie and were caught out in it.