The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160242   Message #3801412
Posted By: Teribus
21-Jul-16 - 12:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Theresa May, failure and hypocrite
Subject: RE: BS: Theresa May, failure and hypocrite
Carroll - have you ever heard about a thing called perspective? I ask because you seem to suffer from a total lack of it. One explanation for that could be your blatant rascism, bigotry and rabid Anglophobia born of you self-loathing for the land of your birth. You born in Liverpool call yourself Irish - a little idiosyncrasy that you picked up from Miller/MacColl born in Salford, yet tried to convince people he had been born in Scotland up near Perth IIRC.

How was the rest of the world getting on with democracy in the early 1800s Jim? All sweetness and light was it? If so then there must have been some other explanation for the Revolutions of 1830, 1848, etc, etc.

"No arms at all were supplied to Syria by UK."

A statement that is true made to refute unsubstantiated claims by Jim Carroll to the contrary. As proof of the veracity of his claim Carroll offered up newspaper articles that when read contradicted the Claims that Carroll was trying to make. The "supplied to Syria by the UK" infers that it was the British Government doing the supplying - No evidence whatsoever of that ever happening and that has been continually pointed out to him.

"Most disgusting of all, Britain sold chemicals capable of being used to create weapons to a dictator with a reputation for torture and mass murder (revealed when Assad was subjecting Syrians to Chemical attacks); possibly assisting him to build up a massive arsenal of chemical weapons so large that he can legitimately claim that Syria cannot afford to decommission them and is now demanding that those demanding their destruction should pay for it."

"Capable of being" does not = that were

"Possibly" does not mean "actually" or "definitely"

Prior to 2011 had chemical weapons been used in Syria against its civilian population? I don't think so.

Last consignment of chemicals sold happened in 2010. The incident that Carroll is referring to occurred in 2013. The BIS checked and their investigation revealed that the quantities sent to two companies in Syria matched the quantities of toothpaste those two companies produced and that there were no grounds for supposing the chemicals were used to manufacture Sarin Gas.

Jim Carroll then trots out a statement regarding the destruction of the chemical weapons held by Assad's regime that gives one the impression that the job still remains to be done. This is classic Carroll misrepresentation - On 23 June 2014, the last declared chemical weapons were shipped out of Syria for destruction - Reported by the BBC on the 25th June 2014

Ah Tommy Kenny, the man you and your pals interviewed and didn't bother to check one single thing he told you. This was the man you originally claimed had seen special squads of Military Policemen carrying out summary executions of British soldiers who didn't get out of their trenches quick enough, yet for some reason he couldn't name a single victim or perpetrator. It then turns out as you developed the story of Tommy Kenny that he was an artilleryman who had lost part of an ear during counter-battery fire - Only thing that told us all Carroll was that as an artilleryman he would have been nowhere near any trench to see anything of the likes of what you described. Both Keith A and myself looked long and hard for even the vaguest hint of any such instances of summary executions - there were none. At one point you had the unmitigated gall to suggest that because such a summary execution was depicted in a BBC dramatisation then that should be taken as proof positive that such things must have happened.

By the way Jom I see you've ducked out of giving us any explanation why you think that wealth has got something to do with equality.

Mind you I suppose that before you could do that you would have to define what you meant by equality, Carroll's definition would be that everybody has to be equally rich, which of course is complete and utter bullshit. In reality Jom life is not fair, everybody is not equal and that has always been the case and it always will be the case. The metrics that can be used to determine equality are numerous and extremely varied - talking here about attainable equality related to things in life that are important not material equality that you and Shaw seem to set such store by.