The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160242   Message #3801428
Posted By: Teribus
21-Jul-16 - 01:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Theresa May, failure and hypocrite
Subject: RE: BS: Theresa May, failure and hypocrite
Reform Act 1832 - Great Britain became more democratic is roughly what was originally claimed. Perspective Jim and the fact that in life all things are relative. By the early to mid 1800s Jom, Great Britain was a damned sight more democratic than most nations on this planet.

Jim Carroll - 19 Jul 16 - 08:22 PM
"My original contention was that ammunition was sold to Assad"

Really?? Then perhaps you could explain this:

Subject: RE: BS: Homs horror
From: Jim Carroll - PM
Date: 14 Feb 12 - 05:39 AM

"So you intend to continue to ignore the horrors of Homs brought about by sniper rifles SOLD BY BRITAIN - specifically for use on the civilian population"

As previously stated Carroll you lie like a pig in shit.

Britain was indicted for the sales at the time Assad was using chemical weapons. - Indicted by whom numbnuts, just more Jim Carroll made-up-shit. I take it that you do know what indicted means Jom. Who filed the charges and in what Court was the British Government arraigned - and how on earth did they keep it quiet. Would be one hell of a charge to make stick, halted all exports to Syria in 2010, led the push for a similar EU wide ban on exports to Syria in 2011 and the events you are talking about were only reported in 2014.

"What you claim I said about Tommy Kenny is made up bullshit and uyuo knowe it"

Now then we've done this before, do you actually want me to dig all that out and prove you wrong YET AGAIN???

"The wealth gap has nothing to do with equality" Says Jom, which kind of begs the question just what the hell was he on about when he quoted a comment of mine stating that their was greater equality in the world now than before then posted a link related to the Wealth Gap in the UK and invited me to comment on it? Bizarre is not the word for it.

"the itinerant cyclists" - Already answered Jom.

You are flailing now Jom - just about time you stamped off in high dudgeon.