The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160242   Message #3801435
Posted By: Jim Carroll
21-Jul-16 - 02:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Theresa May, failure and hypocrite
Subject: RE: BS: Theresa May, failure and hypocrite
"Reform Act 1832 - Great Britain became more democratic is roughly what was originally claimed."
Nobody gets rough
er - what was happening then had sweet fa to do with democracy.
"As previously stated Carroll you lie like a pig in shit. "
As I said, taken up from Keith's description of the shipment.
Of course they were ordeed to be used - not like the "never ordered", "never licensed" "licences but never sent", "only for sporting guns", "the wrong size".... and the myriad excuses you gave.
"Indicted by whom"
Generally after the press had revealed the facts
"!Now then we've done this before, do you actually want me to dig all that out and prove you wrong YET AGAIN???"
First time for everything - we could fill the next six months hurling each others mistakes backward and forward, dig out whatever you want
"just about time you stamped off in high dudgeon."
Don't you just wish!!!
I very seldom walk away from arguments - you do a runner each time you find yourself in trouble, liker the spineless prick you are
"Already answered Jom."
"like a pig in shit. "
Your spinlessness extends into your permanent childish name-calling
We both kown that you would never have trhe balls act in public the way you behave here - your postings are little more that poisonous internet hate-mail.
If you acted the way you do on thiis forum to peoples faces you'd go home with your teeth in your pocket.
Great thing to be said for anonymity from behind a keyboard.
Grow up, you cowardly creep.
At least Keith (in his hand-wringing Uriah Heep manner, says what he believes without a torrent of mindless abuse - all in the breeding, I suppose
Jim Carroll