The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160304   Message #3801615
Posted By: Joe Offer
22-Jul-16 - 08:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Melania's Republican Convention speech
Subject: RE: BS: The best line from Melania's RNC speech
Don't know if I'd call myself a "Radical Democrat," Louie. I prefer to call myself a "radical moderate," and I'm proud of the fact that people can't predict my positions on things. Even Greg_F and Steve Shaw can't put words in my mouth with any degree of accuracy. I favor Medicare for All, or some sort of single-payer healthcare; and yet I'm not necessarily opposed to Wall Street.

I liked Hillary Clinton's response to the Republican Convention today:

Here's a video:I wish Hillary would take better care of her voice. She's been shouting too much during this campaign, and she doesn't need to do that. And shouting doesn't lead itself to rational discussion - and rational discussion is what Hillary does best.
