The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66116   Message #3801638
Posted By: Mysha
23-Jul-16 - 04:37 AM
Thread Name: origins: The Dutchman (Michael Smith): meanings?
Subject: RE: origins: The Dutchman (Michael Smith): meanings?

Yeah, I saw a performance of Michael Smith once, where he told the audience about that Makem and Clancy story, and about how it had nothing to do with him. But it worked for them, I guess.

I think I'd go for "Zighder Zay", BTW. I don't think there's an English equivalent for the actual "ui" sound, but "ow" sounds too heavy for me. Thus, while "igh" isn't the right sound either, it seems like a better approximation. Of course, that may depend on the accent you're being taught.
