The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159827   Message #3803593
Posted By: Steve Shaw
04-Aug-16 - 04:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
"I don't, but we do know a few names of those Labour people guilty of antisemitic outbursts."

No-one has named names, no-one has declared that any individual is antisemitic and you allege big cover-ups (do you actually know what "cover-up" means, Keith? It means that you don't know the facts because THEY HAVE BEEN HIDDEN FROM YOU), yet Keith The Superior Being, Keith the Judge, Jury and Executioner, knows things that no-one else knows! Let's face it, you alleged Christian. You are in breach of the Word of the Lord. Judge not, lest YOU be judged. Not only that, you are judging according to arbitrary criteria drawn up by you and your fellow travellers on the far right and from the ranks of the apologists for the Israeli regime. You know damn well that, in their heart of hearts, not ONE of the people in Labour who you brand as antisemitic "hates Jews because they are Jews." You have a very dishonest political agenda, which is to blacken the Labour Party, which you hate, at all costs. This is your thread and all that is contained in the thread title and in your opening post. You are the most dishonest person I've ever come across, and that's a tough call considering who your pathetic allies are in this thread.