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Thread #159827   Message #3803657
Posted By: Steve Shaw
05-Aug-16 - 06:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Please tell us, Teribus, who on this forum has said that Boris should be "barred from public office." Join Keith's mind-reading club...

The five names you named have not had the badge of antisemitism pinned on them except by apologists of the Israeli regime. None of them made a remark directed at Jews because they are Jews, which isn't to say they weren't being idiots. Why don't you stop digging dirt and look at what they actually said and THINK FOR YOURSELF instead of digging up tabloid articles or polemic from the Jewish Chronicle and the Chief Rabbi? You make up your own definition to fit the "accused" then you smear away. Not exactly honest.

As for Shami, well let's see. Have any of you got the slightest shred of evidence that she was offered a peerage in advance in return for a bland report? Any at all? Time to put up or shut up. Your lynch mob mentality is getting tiresome. "Oh, it's bleeding obvious innit, who needs more?" is as close as you intellectual giants have got so far. It's true that Labour's spin machine is in the junkyard. Wonder what you'd be saying if we brought Alastair Campbell and Peter Mandelson back? 😂😂😂. You could start by closely examining Shami's long and distinguished career in public service and tell us when her integrity has ever taken even the slightest knock. Now there's a job for you. A bit harder, you'll find, than making cheap smears.