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Thread #159827   Message #3803683
Posted By: Jim Carroll
05-Aug-16 - 08:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
"People living in glass houses comes to mind:"
Tour report comes from the Anti-defamation Leage which is nearly as notorious as you for describing all criticism of Israel as "antisemitic"
"The Anti-Defamation League has drawn both criticism and controversy over its priorities. Noam Chomsky accuses them of "having lost entirely its focus on civil rights issues in order to become solely an advocate for Israeli policy". Journalist Mark Arax has criticized the organization's failure to recognize the Armenian Genocide "out of gratitude for Turkey being Israel's one and only Muslim ally".[5] The Washington Post has noted that the ADL has repeatedly accused Israeli policy critic Norman Finkelstein of being a "Holocaust denier" and that "these charges have proved baseless."[6]"
You really scrape the bottom of the barrel for your quotes, don't you?
In my experience, Ireland is notable for its toleration of all religions and races nowadays, certainly since the church has lost its grip.
The one exception is it's disturbing attitude towards Travellers, an attitude shared by Britain and at least one prominent participant in this discussion
By the way, I was born in Britain and lived their pp to 18 years ago.
The Lawrence family's experience of the racist experience of the police was not uncommon and it led to the police declaring themselves "institutionally racist".
You choose to ignore the percentages and put up one man as proof of what exactly
What I have describes is as I described - the experiences of many.
If you mean by "hate Filled" - yes, I hate you racists - if you are referring to the British people, I most certainly do not
British people are as much victims of the use of racism by the right in Britain as are resident foreigners.
Shortage of work, substandard and overcrowded housing, attacks on "our way of life" - all par for the course by scum like Ukip - the racist nature of the Brexit campaign is fairly typical of that useage.
Before that there was Powell and his "rivers of blood" - even to revealing for the Tories, so they kicked him out as an embarrassment.
Jim Carroll