The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159827   Message #3805534
Posted By: Keith A of Hertford
17-Aug-16 - 08:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
I did not talk about "Israel apologists"

Yes you did!
You said of them, "Because they are both Israel apologists. What's your problem?"

the EUMC does not exist

The European Parliamentary Working Group on Antisemitism DOES.

the working definition was trashed years ago,

No. It was adopted by The European Parliamentary Working Group on Antisemitism, and can be seen on their website (as you know).

Or did you dig around to find whichever apologists you could for the Israeli regime

No. I never considered Israel to be relevant to a thread about Labour Party!
I quoted many prominent Labour worthies, including Sadiq Khan and the entire NEC who can not be described as apologists for anyone!

Can you find me one who thinks that Labour is riddled with antisemitism

No, and no-one claimed it was.
Just that it had a serious problem with antisemitism, requiring 50 suspensions, two Party inquiries and a Parliamentary inquiry.

we, the NEC, are appalled at thIs rampant Labour antisemitism?

I gave you a quote saying they were appalled by recent incidents of it within the Party.

Or were they appalled, or deeply concerned, that these allegations had arisen

No. The were appalled by recent incidents of antisemitism within the Party.

Or do you think that the NEC were judge, jury and executioner,

Well, they made that judgements that recent incidents of antisemitism within the party were appalling.