The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160405   Message #3805724
Posted By: Steve Shaw
18-Aug-16 - 08:30 PM
Thread Name: Stop The Ewan Maccoll Bickering !!!
Subject: RE: Stop The Ewan Maccoll Bickering !!!
I made the same points to the anonymous Guest as Joe Offer did. When I read or post to music threads I wish to keep fully within the spirit of what this place should be. I personally have mixed feelings about the man in question but he did write some of the very finest "contemporary" songs of this genre and has had a major impact. Someone turning up anonymously in order to take irritating little pot-shots at him without making substantial points deserves at least a minor bollocking in m'humble. And my old mum, 88 next time, was born and bred in that dirty old town of his and my Grandad worked in the docks there all his life. I was up there a couple of weeks ago. So I'm interested, but not in sniping bullshit, thank you very much!