The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159872   Message #3805885
Posted By: Severn
19-Aug-16 - 11:36 PM
Thread Name: Getaway 2016 coming soon!; schedule posted
Subject: RE: Getaway 2016 coming soon!
Well folks, for all of you folks visiting the Getaway that are still in town on Monday night September 26th, as well as those who are here all the time, once again I will be hosting a sing at Zed's Cafe 8225 Georgia Avenue in downtown Silver Spring MD from 6:30-8:45pm for all who are not completely sung out yet. Good food served in a living room atmosphere. We did this last year on Getaway Monday, and I do it when special people pass through town for a while now. No alcoholic beverages and we're just singing for the hell of it, but good times have always been had. I'd like to make this a yearly tradition, and the owner likes having us there. Let's join together for one more night of song to complete our Getaway weeKend memories. I hope to see you there, if you're still in town and available.