The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160454   Message #3806277
Posted By: gnu
22-Aug-16 - 10:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Spaw memories
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw memories
Ebbie... thanks.

Tell *** (edited to protect the innocent) he's full of shit. Remember the "Amish-Australian Pitchfork Moustache Tuner?" Paul out in B.C. bought the damn thing for $40.00 bucks as I recall.


He was a great supporter of Mudcat funding drives and the auction. He did a lot of fund raising in the earlier days. He was part of the backbone that saw Mudcat survive until today. I remember how he led those people in fund raising drives so Max could keep this community alive back when it was touch and go. Heck, I used to get wild and crazy at it too because Spaw provided the craziness that allowed me to get crazy and that drove many to support MC.