The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160464   Message #3806861
Posted By: Stu
26-Aug-16 - 08:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Deaf man shot dead by US cop
Subject: RE: BS: Deaf man shot dead by US cop
"I have seen videos of your Parliament, and I cannot understand how it can be a place for reasonable discussion"

On that I couldn't agree more, it's a total embarrassment and there is a shocking display of double standards, ignorance and rudeness. That said, I guess you only see the shouty bits and not the endless hours of far more reasoned discussion that actually do happen. I've stopped watching Prime Minister's Question Time altogether.

"I cannot believe that combat is a good technique for constructive and fair discussion."

Combat? Heck. Couldn't be further from my personal idea of a good discussion or debate. There's nothing wrong being passionate during a discussion as long as the attacks are not ad hominem and people aren't shouted over; this is easier said than done on the internet (which is not an ideal method of communication for in-depth discussion) or when the red mist is down and I'm guilty of being so wound up that on occasion I've written some real crap on this forum that I'm not particularly proud of, but then I make lots of mistakes as I'm a bit dim like that. Ask my mates.

"I think Joe's suggestion, of criticising an opinion rather than its originator, is the best way forward."

Agree 100%. However, ideas and opinions are not people and they are not sacred cows to be paraded regardless. Let's be clear, I'm not advocating a confrontational approach to discussion and debate, just saying that as a society we differ in how we approach this; our societies and social parameters are different and this is part of that difference.