The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160464   Message #3806971
Posted By: Donuel
26-Aug-16 - 09:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Deaf man shot dead by US cop
Subject: RE: BS: Deaf man shot dead by US cop
Holy shit, I heard a story and passed it on with search hints.
Usable information gleaned from local TV news blurbs is hard to come by.

The complete story is actually worse than the brief reminiscent story.

I have known many Downs people. I have never met more peaceful and compliant extra chromosome people in my life. In our High School people would assume Autistic and Downs syndrome kids were two of a kind and group them together. That was dim witted but typical of linear minded low information folks. The actual story of the life and death of the gentle giant is probably book worthy.

What I did know of the partial story caused me to confront two cops in front of my house who were questioning a neighborhood young black man who worked part time at home depot and belonged to a therapy group. He had lost his phone and asked to use mine which I let him do. Apparently he had asked someone else first and had scared the hell out of them that a differently abled person would ask to use their phone so they called the police. This rather large young man did have an exasperating story to tell about his phone being destroyed as a result of someone else's malfeasance. Mind you he was difficult to understand.

I reminded the cops about the story I had heard about the incident in the theatre and they were very professional about my input and the little I knew of the neighbor.

I may not have had the right story but the little I did have was put to good use.

And that was the rest of the story as far as I was concerned.