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Thread #159827   Message #3807080
Posted By: Teribus
27-Aug-16 - 12:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Steve Shaw - 27 Aug 16 - 07:12 AM

1: "Yes they matter. I don't know where you get the idea from that I defend to the hilt what happens in Islamic states." I don't. I hate it."

Odd then that you only ever go into print to condemn Israel - Never Hamas, Fatah, Hezbollah or their supporters. Gives a very good indication of just how much you hate it doesn't it.

2: "The discrimination I have pointed to in Israel is perfectly deliberate."

Let's go through them shall we?:

The wall was built deliberately.

The road blocks are not accidental

The prisons and justice system are doing what they do by design.

The school buses don't miss the Arab towns out because the satnav maps are out of date.

Now what did I say the primary duty and responsibility of the Israeli Government was again? Oh yes, it was to ensure the safety and security of Israel and the population of Israel irrespective of race, or religion. ALL of the above were security measures brought in to protect the population of Israel and guess what Shaw - it worked.

3: "If those things happened to you you'd go mental."

Now how on earth would, or could, such things happen to me Shaw? After all I do not support those who seek the destruction of any of my neighbours.

4: "or you're defending them because you think that Arabs as a race deserve all they get, innocent or guilty. Which is it to be?

I defend the right of the Israeli Government to implement whatever measures they see fit to protect their population, as our own Government did when faced with the same situation:

We built walls to separate communities
We set up road-blocks and checkpoints
We adopted the use of internment and non-jury trials previously employed in the Irish Republic to counter a terrorist threat.
Vulnerable and precious cargoes were diverted along the safest routes.

Another anomaly Shaw, perhaps just an oversight in your haste to pour condemnation on the Israeli Government, while always failing to cast any blame whatsoever on her enemies, the Israelis are not the only ones to have built barriers, set up road-blocks and checkpoints, set up special judicial measures and used convoy systems and special routes are they? Hamas' only other neighbour, Egypt has done exactly the same along it's border with Gaza - Now why is that Shaw?

Donuel - 27 Aug 16 - 08:37 AM

"Teribus dared to put words in my mouth by decreeing I said something I did not say."

Now what words have I put into your mouth Donuel?

Donuel - 26 Aug 16 - 10:43 AM

"The current right wing Israel is far apart from that end game Steve."

Those were your words that I faithfully quoted and commented as follows:

"Be interested in hearing the rational behind that statement. As far as their track record shows, the Israelis are more than ready to talk to anyone, and when such talks have taken place the agreements reached have stood the test of time. The same however can not be said of those who make up the Palestinian Authority {Their former leader Arafat threw away the best chance they ever had in 2000}, Hamas and Hezbollah. The last two have ruled out any prospect of talks or negotiation, yet as far as you can see it Donuel it would appear that you only see the fault as being only on the side of the Israelis."

Not surprised at all that you will not address points put directly to you - propaganda indeed!!

But when it comes to truth you are rather good at apportioning blame where it doesn't belong are you. Not too shy at smearing the name of the innocent in doing so either. If memory serves me correctly you went into print on this very forum to blacken the name of John McCain, blaming him for the deck fire that occurred on the USS Forrestal in 1967. You persisted in the accusation never admitting your error even when it was pointed out to you that the rocket that caused the fire was accidentally discharged from a wing pod of a Phantom F-4B of VF-11 positioned on the aft deck, John McCain did not fly Phantoms he flew Douglas A-4 Skyhawks - So it should not come as any surprise to you at all that I regard anything you contribute with the greatest scepticism.

Liked the "Shaw being the only one courageous enough to offer a solution" - What Shaw did was to offer a recipe for disaster.