The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160478   Message #3807422
Posted By: Jack Campin
29-Aug-16 - 02:34 PM
Thread Name: Shrewsbury FF to ban 'blacked up' Morris
Subject: RE: Shrewsbury FF to ban 'blacked up' Morris
it appears not to have a connection to racism,

It does, because racists think it does and want to have it performed because they feel it's a statement of what they believe in.

all I am suggesting is that the intention is not to offend

For some of the people doing it, it's an assertion of white supremacy and a gesture of contempt towards people of African descent. There are enough such people that it makes sense to stop the practice outright.

people do sometimes take offence when none is intended.

The majority do not intend it to cause offence. But the minority that do are deadly serious about it - murderous thugs who need to be stopped. How many targeted people perceive what they're up to and are disgusted by it is irrelevant.

And I am not sure what you mean by "who it appeals to".

Daily Mail readers. Nazis. People who want to treat anybody who looks African as a punchbag and who want Gypsies, Muslims and refugees dead.

I don't write that badly. You could have worked that out.