The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159827   Message #3807694
Posted By: Jim Carroll
31-Aug-16 - 03:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
"You really are going insane aren't you!"
I should read your own Islamophobic rants if I were you.
You are saying about Muslims exactly what the Nazis said about the Jews to give themselves an excuse to exterminate them - the only difference being the ethnicity of the victims.
You have no interest in the well-being of the Jewish People - you wouldn't have painted targets on them by equating them with Israeli State terrorism if you had.
Your support is for the policies of a regime that has been compared, by Jews and non Jews, with that of the Nazis - a policy of mass murder, of attempted ethnic cleansing, of land grabbing and mass destruction of homes, schools, hospitals..... and worst of all, a war against impoverished civilians on a massive scale.
That is not "Jewish" - not by the standards of the Jews I count among my friends.
You come onto this forum in your cowardly anonymity and accuse everyone who criticises the monotheistic policy of the Israeli regime of being "Antisemitic", yet your own attitude of blaming the Jews for the war crimes being committed by the sadistic crowd running Israel is as Antisemitic as it comes.
The Jewish people are not responsible for the land-grabbing or the massacres, or the murderous incursions.... the Israeli regime is.
If you can't recognise that describing opponents of extreme right wing policies of being either "Antisemites" or "Self-hating Jews" is evil and dangerous - you are a vicious, stupid man.
If you don't recognise that your massive rants against Muslims as a whole, against their culture, their religion, their way of life, is raw racist bigotry no different than that directed at the Jewish people - you are a very dangerous man.
Go read the hate-filled diatribes you hae trawled up from extremist sites, then compare them to the similar things that were being said about the Jewish People in 1930s Germany - there really is no difference, apart from the people they are aimed at - then it was The Jews, now it is the Muslims.
You really should be ashamed of yourself - particularly if you come from a Jewish background
When the Holocaust survivor family I knew in Manchester back in the 60s told me "Never again, not to anybody", you were exactly the type of person they had in mind.
Jim Carroll