The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151984   Message #3807702
Posted By: Jim Carroll
31-Aug-16 - 04:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: chemical weapons in Syria
Subject: RE: BS: chemical weapons in Syria
"The fact is that Israel acted within the law in Gaza."
The Israelis have not faced the law on their behavior in Gaza - the Americans have made sure of that.
There have been constant calls for the Israelis to face the International Criminal Court for its war crimes in Gaza and they have been blocked by American vetoes.
Israel has gone to the extent of calling for the INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT to be closed so that it does not have to answer for its crimes.
The facts you have been given speak for themselves.
The Israelis have not "struck back at criminals" - they have massacred civilians who have committed no crimes - men, women and children- go count the civilian dead down he years.
"Syria commits them every day, so why do you always and only attack Israel?"
I made my position clear on Syria while you and your thuggish mate were defending selling arms and equipment to Assad - you are now desperately lying to save face - again.
To save you further trouble - we get your message loud and clear:
It is ok to use chemical weapons on civilians as long as it is the Israelis who are doing so or if they are constructed of material sold to the Assad regime by Britain - you have defended both vigourously.
It was well worth a re-visit to this thread to have you reiterate your caseas clear as you have.
Many thanks
Jim Carroll