The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29144   Message #380815
Posted By: GUEST,The Celtic Bard
23-Jan-01 - 06:18 PM
Thread Name: Scotland (Scottish nationalism)
I've known for a while (as I'm sure everyone else has) about the Irish seperatist movement. However I never knew that there was a Scottish seperatist movement. I always admired the Irish for fighting for what they believe in although I do not support their violent methods and it always bugged me that the Scottish didn't take some sort of a stand. It's nice to know that they are. We just don't hear anything about it here in the States. I'm mostly Scottish and the thought of my homeland under English rule usually depresses me (I got a song out of it so I guess it's not completely worthless). The thought of a free Scotland is overwelling. The Irish may complain about how their four counties are still under English rule but our whole country is still occupied territory! Maybe, someday the seperatist dream may come true and I pray that it will be bloodless and complete.

Rebecca <><