The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159827   Message #3808911
Posted By: Steve Shaw
08-Sep-16 - 06:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
They were verbatim quotes, Teribus, not some reinterpretation. I'll leave you and Keith to that sort of Wheatcroftesque trickery. 😂

Ok, so nothing antisemitic in the quote I gave you then. But you both declare that he said more. So what was it he said, then? Put up or shut up. What words did he use that were antisemitic? Not someone else's body language, not no smoke without fire, not someone unconnected with the exchanges talking over someone's shoulder, not a fake flood of tears and staged storming out by a woman who is an avid supporter of the Israeli regime, boycott-opposer and prime mover in the UK pro-Israel lobby, not Pienaar allegedly walking out (are you sure he wasn't going for a lash?), not a kiss and cuddle from Shami. The words. You wish to tar Wadworth with the antisemitism brush. Antisemitism consists of using hate-WORDS. What were those words then? What do you know that we don't? You both hate the Labour Party, so isn't it odd that when it just so happens that Labour does something that appears to fit your personal agenda they suddenly become all sweetness and light and purveyors of the sword of truth? What a pair of comedians you are.