The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160559   Message #3809018
Posted By: Bee-dubya-ell
08-Sep-16 - 04:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: What Is a LEPPO ?
Subject: RE: BS: WHAT IS A LEPPO ?
Leppo was one of the Barx Brothers. They were a Vaudeville act in the vein of the Marx Brothers, but they performed in dog costumes and barked their lines instead of speaking in English. The other members of the act were Zippo, Ammo, and Limo. They never met with much success, largely due to the fact that the novelty of humans performing in dog-speak wore off in about two minutes. All the Barx Brothers met with tragic ends. Zippo died of distemper, Ammo ate ground beef laced with rat poison, Limo was shot by the owner of a pure-bred poodle with whom he was attempting to mate, and Leppo was run over by a delivery truck while licking his balls in the middle of a a busy intersection.