The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159827   Message #3809161
Posted By: Jim Carroll
09-Sep-16 - 12:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
"No I did not."
Yes you did
"The evidence also supports Israel's version, which I have given."
Then produce it.
"Why do you assert shit like that when you know it is questioned and denied?"
Of courser it is denied - by Israel.
Even America warned Israel that they could no longer rely on their support after the last bloodbath
Produce your evidence
You have just been given a statement by an Israeli statesman linking the present regime with Fascism
A leading military man made the same comparison not so long ago.
A few years ago, ex heads of Mossad said the same.
An ex Israeli Prime Minister (Barak) has described what is happening in Israel as "fascist"
Holocause survivors and their families made the same accusation recently.
Accusations and warnings of Zionist Fascism go back to the birth of the State
Any State that places itself above criticism by accusing its critics of being "self-hating Jews" or "Antisemites" for criticising its policies, as Israel is doing, is well on the road to fascism - and that is without mentioning the massacre of non-combatant civilians.
It is most certainly not a "liberal democracy" if you don't happen to be Jewish - far from it.
Comparisons witf neighbouring states do not in any way negate Israel's behaviour
Don't you dare suggest that this accusation comes from me - you have totally ignored all the statements I have put up describing the Israeli regime of being "fascist".
I ask again - who supports Israel's role in the Sabra Shatila massacre - apart for Israel and atrocity supporters like you?
How do you explain a State that declares itself above criticism apart from a fascist one?
Any political regime which describes its critics as "SELF HATING JEWS" is a fascist one at war with its own people
Jim Carroll