The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160606   Message #3809885
Posted By: Uncle Tone
13-Sep-16 - 11:03 PM
Thread Name: Organisers. Why do we do it?
Subject: Organisers. Why do we do it?
I sometimes wonder why organisers of folk events bother.

I don't think there are many of us who get any financial benefit from it any more. Maybe back in the 60s and 70s they might, but in most cases, not now. They might recover expenses if they are lucky but that is about it. Those who try to make a profit from it are exposed by the very high prices they try to charge. I won't mention Whitby FF. Oops. I just did.

Talking on air to Mark Roger who organises Howden Live last night I asked him that question. 'Why do you do it?'

His answer? Well, it's a past-time. Some play golf. I organise events. I seem to have a talent for it.

I think we should be very grateful to people like Mark, because without them we wouldn't have the venues to perform in.

Roland Walls who looks after the Black Swan Folk Club in York is another one who deserves our appreciation and should get a medal for all he has done over the years.

I am sure you could nominate many others.

Throughout the country I'm sure there are dozens of others who get little rewards for their blood sweat and tears except the pleasure they get from seeing a club or event actually happening, because they put their faith, time and effort on the line.

Well done folks.

And thank you.