The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29887   Message #381063
Posted By: Amergin
24-Jan-01 - 04:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Wish Me Luck
Subject: RE: BS: Wish Me Luck
Thanks guys!! I had a blast tonight! Though to be honest with you all, I almost chickened out....the thought that I told virtually everyone in the world that I was going to do this kept me there....and I am glad I did... I read two poems...was originally going to do one or two more, but my hands were shaking so bad, I could barely read my journal....I forgot what it was like being up there in front of people and having every eye in the place concentrating on me....not to be bragging or anything (well maybe a little), but it seemed as if more people were paying attention to me than to some of the other performers there...then came the applause....that alone made my whole day....though the question as to whether it was for my performance or the fact that I was finished.....remains unanswered....though some one told me later that I did pretty good.... I have forgotten also the rush of the adrenaline that coursed through my body as I stood up there in front of the microphone....I tell you, audience response is the best drug ever to be put on this earth....but then I never had a bad response yet...I'm sure that time will come... Thanks again for all of the support....

Oh and Kat? Just how do you plan on getting me back, dear?
