The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160629   Message #3810783
Posted By: ollaimh
21-Sep-16 - 09:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Trolls and Flamers
Subject: RE: BS: The Trolls and Flamers
although there are people on line who intentional incite trouble, i find all too often anglos call anyone from another cultrual background a troll or flammer or both, if they do not conform to anglo additudes. and especially if they do not respect their class status(usually unearned) folk music in the anglo world is full of well of middleclass or higher ups who went slumming and never achieved what their parents did but insist on their class privledge being recognized--in vancouver there was a folk singer who was a school teach, who rarely failed to mention his father was a member of the british house of lords.but lectured every celt who went there on their bad manners(mainly not genuflecting to him--or should isay to jim)

and is it cowardly to remain anonymous? well in my experinence anglos are both gang up types and violent and there is no sense courting unnecessasy trouble. they will make it when ever they can without any provocation. better to go somewhere else.

however i have successfully sued flamers for libel from on line defamations. usually not worth the trouble but some are

on mudcat we used to have a lotof antinative andanti gael racism. i wouldcall that trolling or flaming except it is apparantly normal in anglo culture --so its acceptable.