The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29144   Message #381111
Posted By: English Jon
24-Jan-01 - 07:04 AM
Thread Name: Scotland (Scottish nationalism)
Most of the people I know in England are pretty browned off with the government too. We don't really want to be ruled by "the English" as you put it either. Personally I'm not at war with anyone, Irish, Scots, Welsh, whatever. However I'd have a few choice remarks for Tony Blair, William Hague et al. As for Margaret bloody Thatcher...

The main problem isn't to do with the nationality of the civil servants who are "in charge", but more that modern politics is too obsessed by capital gain, with too little being put back into society at large. Effectively, we all work for Britain PLC, and there is a conflict between the interests of the workers and those of the directors.

Anyway, enough of this Bolshevik dialectic.

hooray for the common man.