The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160629   Message #3811284
Posted By: Backwoodsman
25-Sep-16 - 04:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Trolls and Flamers
Subject: RE: BS: The Trolls and Flamers
Akenaton, don't imagine for one moment that, just because I've called Steve out on his hypocrisy, I'm on the side of his regular opponents on here.

I hold all of you who form the group which has come to be known by many as 'The Usual Suspects' - Steve, Jim, Keith, Teribus, you, and several others - in the highest, utter contempt. You people, 'The Usual Suspects', have conspired to wreck thread after thread with your non-stop bickering and name-calling, following each other around and dragging up arguments from months, if not years, ago, neither side listening to the other, just repeating the same old lines over and over and over. You have driven away good people whose views many of us hold in high regard, you have turned what used to be a great forum into a vile bear-pit where, rather than encouraging real interchange of ideas, the tactic you people have employed is to stifle conversation, and gag and drive away those who disagree with you.

You people, as a group, have been, and will no doubt continue to be, the ruination of a once-great forum. A forum that, thanks to your antics, and like many others who have voted with their feet over the past period, I no longer have any interest in taking part in.

It's all yours. Have a good time.