The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29856   Message #381229
Posted By: Jim the Bart
24-Jan-01 - 10:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: And the assault begins....BUSHwhacked
Subject: RE: BS: And the assault begins....BUSHwhacked
Guest - you're point is well made. For some, logic can only be followed up to a point.

Regarding the founding fathers and religion: The phrase that I remember is "under God". Why is this necessarily taken to mean "Under Christ"? Many (if not most) of the founding fathers were Freemasons. My understanding is that you do not have to be a Christian to be a Mason, you only have to have a belief in a God. Is there anyone who has more specific information about this?

I have always understood that one objection to prayer in school is that it discriminates against those who do not follow a Christian faith. I realize it may seem like a minor point, but I wonder what those who advocate prayer in school would think if the prayer that was spoken was directed toward Allah, or Buddah, the Green Man, or the Earth Mother rather than to the "God of our Fathers"?

Personally, I feel that having a moment of prayer, or a day of prayer for that matter, is only disciminatory if a specific prayer, directed toward a specific deity, is required. Not believing in the existence of God (atheism) doesn't mean that you CANNOT and MUST NOT pray.