The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160697   Message #3812733
Posted By: Raedwulf
04-Oct-16 - 02:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Feelings = Facts
Subject: RE: BS: Feelings = Facts
Oh, and I missed it last night, but Ake, really? Farceage was, is, and always will be an oily, self-serving tit. Until he retired (allegedly) from politics, I regularly referred to him as having the most punchable face in British politics, the smug twat.

Far from being "straight and to the point with all the facts and figures at his fingertips.......I would say inspirational", he is a greasy, evasive, lying toad who would scarcely know a fact if it walked up & bit him on the nose. If he is one of the best politicians of his generations, then it's no wonder we're in the effing (I'd type it in full, but I seem to recall you object to what you regard as gratuitous profanity, you old Covenanter fogey, you... :p ) mess that we are in.

Smug. Vainglorious. Self-satisfied, self-centred & self-serving. Narrow-minded. Little Englander. Liar. These are all words I'd associate with Farceage; none of the ones you used. And the only modern-day politician I'd put in the same cess-pit as him is The Salmon. Though, frankly, The Sturgeon is teetering on the brink. All slimy, "I'll promise any pie-in-the-sky nonsense to get you to vote my way" politicians. I really would put them up against the proverbial wall, given half a chance. Before the lawyers, too!! ;-)