The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160663   Message #3813329
Posted By: Janie
07-Oct-16 - 07:44 PM
Thread Name: Getaway 2016 aftermath
Subject: RE: Getaway 2016 aftermath
They did not sell, Maeve. I think but do not know for sure, that Jacqui gathered them to return to you. In another year I think they would have sold. This year the auction was almost exclusively song books, music and the Getaway attendance seemed to me to be small this year. I base that on noting how many empty or sparsely populated tables there were in the dining hall at mealtime, but don't know any official numbers re attendance. There were more items than usual that did not receive bids and the auction raised much less money than it has during the previous years that I have been involved with running it. Between the auction, the Mummer's Play and an anonymous generous donation, my impression is about the same amount of funds were raised at the Getaway for the scholarship fund as in the several years past, but without the anonymous donation, fundraising would have been quite shy of past results.