The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160410   Message #3813392
Posted By: Jim Carroll
08-Oct-16 - 06:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: Labour party discussion
Subject: RE: BS: Labour party discussion
For the record Keith
"Full Definition of anti–Semitism
Hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group
Merriam Dictionary
It does not include criticism of Israeli terrorism
It does not include suggesting that Israeli good are boycotted because of their acts of mass murder and persecution
It does not even include suggesting that Gypsies and Jehovah's witnesses be actively acknowledged and remembered during Holocaust day
It is directly aimed at the denigration and persecution of the Jewish People as a whole.
You wouldn't describe exposing a Jewish pedophile, rapist or mass murderer as "antisemitism" - or would you?
Exposing the Israeli regime for the criminals they are and seeking to make them stop economically is not "antisemitism" - yet the Isreali regime and its supporters claim it is
To the Israeli Justice Minister, all criticism of Israel is Santisemitic - she said so publicly.
The Israeli fanatics are the biggest antisemites around - the describe their own crimes as being committed by the Jewish People and claim to be carrying them out on behalf of the Jewish People - that is antisemitism on a world-wide scale.
They describe Jews, in Israel and outside who criticise their policies as "self-hating Jews" - that is no different that the Nazis who tortured, gassed and shot German opponents of their political policies.
Even an Israeli high ranking General and an ex head of Mossad was brave enough to state that.
The hundreds of Holocaust survivors and their relatives who signed a petition comparing the Israeli regime to the Nazis said the same thing.
Now - what is this Labour Party Antisemitism, if it isn't criticism of Israel?
Jim Carroll