The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160733   Message #3813691
Posted By: keberoxu
09-Oct-16 - 10:14 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Sleep Weel My Bairnie (Murdoch Maclean)
Subject: Lyr Add: SLEEP WEEL MY BAIRNIE (Murdoch Maclean)
I just watched "Once Upon A Time" on network television, which ended with Robert Carlyle reciting a lullaby poem by Murdoch Maclean. Rather than watch the presidential debate, I hurried to look up the poem, so as to share it with Mudcat.

Sleep Weel My Bairnie

Murdoch Maclean

Sleep weel, my bairnie, sleep
The lang, lang shadows creep
The fairies play on the munelicht brae
An' the stars are on the deep.

The auld wife sits her lane
Ayont the cauld hearth-stane
An' the win' comes doon wi' an eerie croon
To hush my bonny wean.

The bogie man's awa',
The dancers rise and fa',
An' the howlet's cry frae the bour-tree high
Comes through the mossy shaw.

Sleep weel, my bairnie, sleep
The lang, lang shadows creep
The fairies play on the munelicht brae
An' the stars are on the deep.

I'm defeated in my attempts to discover which volume of poetry this comes from. It's not in "Songs of a Roving Celt." Maybe "From Croft to Clachan," but I can't find that book online to peek into.
For that matter, I'm getting nowhere in my attempts to find anything on Murdoch MacLean -- of course, the name is common enough.

His poetry was published during the Great War period, by Year Book Press; some poems were printed in the Glasgow Herald; and -- ??