The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160733   Message #3813696
Posted By: GUEST,keberoxu
09-Oct-16 - 11:37 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Sleep Weel My Bairnie (Murdoch Maclean)
Subject: RE: Murdoch Maclean: Sleep Weel My Bairnie
The North American branch of the Clan MacRae Newsletter....sheesh, Google is trawling some far shores for me. Back in the day, it seems, Murdoch MacLean was beloved; but there is little online about him. This online newsletter has some remarks by a Mr. MacRae of Glasgow.

"Murdoch was born in Coillerigh, near Killilan, at the head of Loch Long, and was educated in the small school of Killilan.
After leaving school at the age of 14, he served as a clerk to a firm of lawyers in Newcastle, and later saw service in the First World War.
He wrote three books of poems which deal with conditions in his native Kintail and the Highlands. His poems are still available and most of them are worthwhile reading. Although he worked all his life in the Northeast of England, he returned each year to his native Glen Elchaig in Kintail."      

Mudcatters, who knows more about this poet?