The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #6541   Message #38137
Posted By: Pete Peterson
14-Sep-98 - 08:56 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: The Barque of Life (Carter Family)
Subject: Lyr Add: BARQUE OF LIFE (Carter family)
Well in Digital Tradition there is a verse of All the good times are past and gone that ends that way, but I don't think that's it. I suspect you are looking for the old Carter Family song "Barque of Life" which is NOT (let's modify that to "does not seem to be"-- I am not that sure of myself) in DT-- anyway that is

My barque of life was drifting down
life's troubled sea of time
When first I saw your smiling face
and youth was in its prime

I'll ne'er forget you wheree'er I roam
Wherever you may be
If ever I have had a friend
You've been that friend to me

Misfortune nursed me as a child
And loved me fondly too
I would have had a broken heart
Had it not been for you

I now look back across the past
Across life's troubled sea
And smile to think through all I've seen
You've been a friend to me

Is this what you are looking for?