The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29683   Message #381394
Posted By: Homeless
24-Jan-01 - 01:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Internet Romance, watch out!
Subject: RE: B.S. Internet Romance, watch out!
Please keep an open mind as you read what I have to say. I don't mean it to be mean, but it is pretty harsh, and I'm not much for tact.
That being said, going back to one of your earlier comments...
That may be all fine and dandy for YOU people, but these things are TOTALLY foreign to me. Live and in person SUCKS. It does nothing for me whatsoever. What's so great about watching people walk away from you all the time? Plus, I recently foundout that a lot of people 'assumed' I was gay. So, I wish all you "beautiful people" would stop knocking something you don't understand.

Life sucks for you sport 'cause you ain't got the balls to face it. Period. Remember the turmoil you went thru leading up to the Ren Faire? How it was so bad, you'd never driven that far, parents wouldn't let you, etc.? And the shit everyone was blowing you for it? Really SUCKED didn't it?
Question: How was the fair?

It is a real pisser when people walk away or reject you. It's even worse when someone laughs in your face. I've been there, I know.
But the question I'd be asking is "Is it really everyone who walks away? And, if so, why?"

I've been accused of being gay because I never went out women. I've never gone on date with a guy, but I've never been accused of being hetero because of it, go figure.
When I have spoken with women, e.g. clerks in stores, their husbands have accused me of having affairs with them. Hell, I'd never even gotten closer to them than 5 feet away. But over time I've learned that my reaction should be, "So fucking what?" I'm not going to let my happiness rely on what other people think of me.

And don't fall into the whiny adolescent trap of "no one understands me." Last night I went down to the local college where there was ballroom dance going on. What I know about ballroom dance could be written on the back of a business card. I spent the first half of the night too chickenshit to ask any of the girls to dance, because I knew from watching that they were infinitely better than I. Finally, one of the hosts noticed and came over and forcefully prompted me to ask a young lady to dance. Once I got cojones to actually get out on the floor we had fun. Granted I didn't know much beyond the basic, but what we did was enjoyable.

I've lived my whole life fearful of dealing with other people, and still go thru it. But when I do finally overcome my fears and act, I enjoy it.

BTW - the only place you'll ever see "beautiful people" is in some fiction they put on the TV.

What's your life expectancy? You got another 50 years or so, right? Are you gonna waste it whining about how awful things are, or are you gonna act to make them better?

You've got a lot of people here that care about you. Me, for one. Tho I must say that I'm sick of every other one of your posts being whining about one thing or another. But all these people have a LOT of diverse experience that you could learn from, if you just ask. But your first step is to break out of that little room you've locked your mind in.

Carpe diem, my friend.