The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160727   Message #3814368
Posted By: Teribus
13-Oct-16 - 01:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: What does 'anti-semitism' mean?
Subject: RE: BS: What does 'anti-semitism' mean?
Richard Bridge - 12 Oct 16 - 01:30 PM

1. We have been over the establishment of Israel many many times. In 1923 and 1947/8 people who had no right to do so awarded land to people who had long ago abandoned that land and had no right to be there. It is too late now to fix that mistake and a solution that accommodates (even if not necessarily satisfies) both the Palestinians and Israel.

In 1923 and in 1947/48 the people who designated boundaries and proposed boundaries and "awarded land" as you incorrectly put it had as much right to do so as the previous rulers down through the centuries. The same right as those who decreed the borders of all states created in Europe after the First World War. By 1923 European Jews had been purchasing land in the region and settling it for almost 80 years, they were awarded nothing, they bought it and they rightly own it. As to your last sentence and your solution. That was offered in 1947 by the UN and it was rejected by the Arabs of the region. The PA now claims that they are "fighting" for a Two-State solution but they cannot show anybody any map that shows the borders of the Two States. They have not officially and publicly declared the right of the sovereign state of Israel to exist or the right of the people of Israel to exist in peace, free from attack or the threat of attack.

2. It is very silly to argue that Israel does not have the death penalty. Count how many Palestinians Israel has killed and how many Israelis Palestine has killed.

It is not silly at all Bridge, either the death penalty exists in the statute books of the State of Israeli or it does not. That is an easily established fact and we all know that it does not. As to counting things as you suggest:

- Count how many times threats of total annihilation have been made by the Arabs of the region against Israel, count how many times threats of total annihilation have been made by the Israelis against the Arabs of the region.

- Count the number of times the Arabs of the region have carried out unprovoked attacks against the Jews of Palestine and against Israel. Count the number of times the Jews of Palestine and the Israelis have carried out unprovoked attacks against the Arabs of the region.

The number of Israelis killed by Palestinians is only as low as it is because the Israeli Government has spent time, money and resources in protecting its citizens, the low number exists despite every attempted means possible being tried by the Palestinians to increase that number

3. As Jackie Walker has correctly said, there is no satisfactory and accepted definition of anti-Semitism - and the extraordinarily expansionist posts above show why. They go even further than the now discredited EUMC definition that I gather was attempted to be thrust down throats at the JLM training session where Jackie Walker was stitched up.

You forgot to add "In her opinion" Bridge. The reports and recommendations from the Inquiries carried out by Baroness Royall and by newly created Baroness Chakrabarti detailed what constitutes unacceptable racist and anti-Semitic behaviour within the Labour Party - The fact that Walker doesn't accept it is a matter for the Labour Party to sort out - They suspended her membership and demoted her.

4. The extreme racism directed against Jackie Walker can be found on almost every page discussing her current suspension and her demotion within Momentum - some are simply over-wrought othodoxy (the sort of post that asserts that she cannot be Jewish because her father rather than her mother was Jewish even though she had other ascendant female Jewish ancestors on her mother's side - but some go much further even than the assertion that she cannot be Jewish because she is black and descend to the sort of blakcup and chimpanzee posts that the US right wing present about the Obamas.

What "extreme racism"??

5. Buggerit I came here to talk about capos, and I have been seduced by right-wing trolls.

"Seduced by right-wing trolls" - grab it while you can it will probably be the best offer you'll get this century.