The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160727   Message #3814402
Posted By: Jim Carroll
13-Oct-16 - 06:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: What does 'anti-semitism' mean?
Subject: RE: BS: What does 'anti-semitism' mean?
"League of Nations seemed to do very well at the time "
So what you acheive over centuries, you tear down by a committee
"Jews have lived in the area from way before the 8th Century."
We are dealing with living people now, not ghosts from the past
Where would New Zealand, Australia and The United States be if we accepted your twisted logic - and in their case, the time span is far less?
Stupid, stupid (not to say inhuman) argument.
I couldn't give a shit for Empires - they were only glorified lad-grabbers.
"None of them have ever "complained" of any such thing!"
You have insisted throughout that Jews are being subjected to a lorra-lorra Antisemitism in the Labour Party
"They have described it to the leadership."
Who says they have?
Why haven't they gone public with it - are they that dismissive of Antiemitism that they put a political Party first?
Virtually all these people have connections with the Israeli propaganda campaign to oppose the Boycott
So you are now saying that they put the Interests of the Labour Party above that of Israel?
For crying out loud Keith, stop digging - this is self-flagellation.
Your suggestion that these people have kept silent because of their loyalty to The Labour Party is as Antisemitic as it gets.
To first report Antisemitism then to deliberately withold the details from the general public would be grossly stupid and to apply that to all Jews in the Labour Party would be deeply Abntisemitic.
As it is, it is pure invention on your part to smear the Labour Party.
You offer not a shred of evidence for any of these claims.
Jim Carroll