The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160727   Message #3814608
Posted By: Jim Carroll
14-Oct-16 - 04:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: What does 'anti-semitism' mean?
Subject: RE: BS: What does 'anti-semitism' mean?
"In the case of Israel it is."
You only need to compare the "Then and Now" maps of Palestine and the dead of both sides to see who is is annihilating whom
Israel is a legitimate State - that can never be challenged.
It is now run by a bunch of Fascists who are doing to the Arabs what the Nazis did to the Jews - the possibility of this happening was pointed out by the finest brain on this planet ALBERT EINSTEIN , and a number of his Jewish colleagues as far back as the 1940s and is now being gradually acknowledged by JEWS AND NON JEWS ALIKE - the Jews who have deemed to criticise Israeli policy have been described as 'Self-Hating'
In order to defend itself from the consequences of its murderous behaviour, the Israeli have openly declared that criticism of its policy is "antisemitic" - declaring that the political interests of the state are subservient to the views of the people as a whole is Fascism by definition.
Israeli behaviour is condemned throughout the civilised world by all but the self-interested politicians, who have not supported these actions, but have remained silent
Only American vetoes have prevented Israel from facing trial for human rights for crimes against humanity - Israel's response to these threats has been to call for the abolition of the International Criminal Court.
Israel is now fascism gone viral - that has been stated by Jews thoughout the world, including members of the Israeli establishment.   
"c) In the case of Naz Shah she publicly stated her support for moving the Jewish population "lock-stock-and-barrel" and transporting them to the centre of the United States"
Shah's statement was unacceptable, she has withdrawn it and apologised for it.
The Israeli Justice Minister has called for the indiscriminate slaughter of the Palestinian people, making them all as the enemies of Israel
She has neither apologised for it nor withdrawn it
A previous Israeli Foreign Minister, Avigdor Lieberman, who has recently been offered the post of Defence Minister, called for the beheading of all disloyal Arab Israeli citizens.
He has neither apologised for not withdrawn his comments
Both Shaked and Lieberman are high raking Israeli officials, Naz Shah made her comments in her youth, before she entered Parliament
There has not been a single shred of descriptive evidence offered for the claims of Antisemitism.
Keith has accused all Jewish Labour politicians of entering into a vow of silence by refusing to describe the Atisemitism that they claim is taking place
Jim Carroll