The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160727   Message #3814624
Posted By: Teribus
14-Oct-16 - 06:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: What does 'anti-semitism' mean?
Subject: RE: BS: What does 'anti-semitism' mean?
Jim Carroll - 14 Oct 16 - 04:15 AM

1: Thanks to Israeli awareness and actions no-one is annihilating anyone - population figures prove that over the last 68 years.

2: "Israel is a legitimate State - that can never be challenged."

Funny that is what I have always said, but Kevin disagrees and so does Hamas, Hezbollah, Fatah and Islamic Jihad all of whom wish to see the eradication of the state and the annihilation of the Jewish people who reside there {Over 6 million of them}

3: "It is now run by a bunch of Fascists who are doing to the Arabs what the Nazis did to the Jews"

False, emotive, claptrap.

4: "In order to defend itself from the consequences of its murderous behaviour, the Israeli have openly declared that criticism of its policy is "antisemitic"

Hardly, unlike anything that exists in areas under "Palestinian" control the Israeli Regime allows elections, free press and a democratic process that includes political opposition parties whose job it is to criticise the Government.

5: "declaring that the political interests of the state are subservient to the views of the people as a whole is Fascism by definition."

Haven't you got that the wrong way round Carroll? Shouldn't it be "the interests of the people are subservient {i.e. lower in priority or rank} to the interests of the state"

6: "Israeli behaviour is condemned throughout the civilised world by all but the self-interested politicians, who have not supported these actions, but have remained silent"

Factually inaccurate, wishful thinking on your part and not representative of reality.

7: "Shah's statement was unacceptable, she has withdrawn it and apologised for it."

You rather conveniently omit to mention that she also described her statement as being anti-Semitic made through ignorance and based upon false information.