The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160727   Message #3814793
Posted By: Jim Carroll
15-Oct-16 - 04:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: What does 'anti-semitism' mean?
Subject: RE: BS: What does 'anti-semitism' mean?
So - there you go.
Keith has invented a scenario describing a plot by the Jewish members of the Labour Party having claimed the Party of having a serious problem of Antisemitism, then refusing to make that Antisemitism public because of their loyalty to that party.
He has not produced a shred of evidence of that plot, nor will he - it doesn't exist.
The Jewish people I knew - some of them Labour Party members, would never have put their name to such a cover up - I don't believe any self-respecting Jew would.
Keith has made this up to cover up the fact that he is unable to describe the Antisemitism that he claims infects Labour.
Nothing daunted - his two 'defenders of the Jewish People' buddies have stood valiantly by his antisemitic smear of the Jewish Labour members - why wouldn't they?
Their interest is not in the welfare of The Jewish People - it is in supporting the extremist, right-wing Israeli regime.   
This whole episode given us a perfect answer to the question asked by title of this thread.
Antisemitism is the denigration of and discrimination of the Jews as a people - not of the Israelis - THE JEWS.
Of course antisemitism exists in the Labour party - there is hardly an institution or community n the world where it doesn't exist.
Far from it being a problem in the Labour Party, it is less likely to be one in a party which was created by humanitarian and socially conscious people, many of who were Jews fleeing from the pogroms of the 19th century - a party which is dedicated to anti-racism and anti sectarianism.
The 'Antisemitism' that Labour may be guilty of is the type that has been re-invented by the Israeli regime to protect itself from the consequences of the crimes it has committed against the Palestinian people - THE NEW ANTISEMITISM
What we do know about this whole affair is that the bulk of the accusers are connected with the at least $26m propaganda campaign to prevent the boycott – that is what this "antisemitim" accusation is about.
Sure – some of the less scrupulous right were happy to join in the kicking match to oppose Corbyn, but all the evidence points to the Anti BDS campaign.
Antisemitism is on the rise again – hardly surprising when the Israeli regime has chosen to hide behind the Jewish People to justify its Human Rights abuses and war crimes – some opponents of that regime are bound to pick up on that cowardly defence and blame the Jews for what the Israeli administration is doing.
The losers in all of this have been both the Palestinians who are being ethnically cleansed and the Jewish people who have been targetted by being implicated that cleansing by the ISRAELI FASCISTS
And we have three keen supporters of that targetting campaign.
Jim Carroll