The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160727   Message #3814933
Posted By: robomatic
15-Oct-16 - 11:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: What does 'anti-semitism' mean?
Subject: RE: BS: What does 'anti-semitism' mean?
"Subject: RE: BS: What does 'anti-semitism' mean?
From: Jim Carroll - PM
Date: 15 Oct 16 - 05:06 AM

"Wow, you guys, someone look up "Jew-baiting". This thread is odoriferous."
By th way Robo - the offr I made to Bobad, which he has not taken up, is extended to you or anybody sharing your views.
If you can produce a shred of evidence of my attacking The Jewish People I am happy to make a generous donation to a charity of your choice.

Jim Carroll"

Jim: I do not think you need to make me such an offer nor do I need to engage it. The incredible capacity of the English language that we share makes this a subject that we can discuss with such great shadings that we can make convincing arguments from both sides of a divide without actually achieving anything or exchanging valid memes whatsoever.

I feel a certain gratitude to everyone on this thread, at least the first twenty posts or so, because whether or not I agree with 'em, I think they establish understandable points of view which are useful referents for me in future.

I am not qualified, either at present or most likely ever, to judge the various arguments about anti-semitism in the Labour Party, although before this thread came along, I'd read some New York Times references to the issue, and came away with the impression that there was something to it.

But anti-Semitism isn't illegal in the U.S. and it is an existing long-lived point of view. I'd rather it be out in the open than hidden with the easy modulations of terms like 'Restricted' as shown in the interesting American Post-War movie with Gregory Peck: "Gentlemen's Agreement", or the English(?) movie of the 70s "QBVII". You don't have to like Israel, Jews, Arabs, or anybody. It's a fact of life that Jews have lived with since Adam was a cowboy. There's even a Jewish joke about it: "Definition of an Anti-Semite- One who hates Jews more than absolutely necessary"
I think it would be nice if on one hand non-Jews understand that for Jews, anti-Semitism is an enormous body of thought that constitutes its own religion and like electricity goes everywhere in its search for earth. Like Donald Trump, it does not need to identify with either truth or lie, so much as ANY argument at all that will appear to carry weight. It is motivational, based on enmity. It does not see itself as evil, but aspirational. On the other hand, I think it wise for Jews to remember that not every unagreeable face need be an enemy face. People are various. There are good people everywhere in every guise.

That is why rather than engage in a mare's nest of thrust and counter-thrust with people who are not inevitably evil, I try very hard to keep things simple. I also try not to burn bridges at the drop of a hat, even on the internet. At this point I'm tired and not very sure how well I'm communicating. So here endeth the lesson fer now.