The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160727   Message #3814944
Posted By: Jim Carroll
16-Oct-16 - 04:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: What does 'anti-semitism' mean?
Subject: RE: BS: What does 'anti-semitism' mean?
"Jim: I do not think you need to make me such an offer nor do I need to engage it."
Nor do you need to sling your accusations of "antisemitism" about - that doesn't stop you from doing so
"It's a fact of life that Jews have lived with since Adam was a cowboy."
Interesting statement from someone from the U.S. - remind me how long the Native Americans occupied your continent.
Liking or disliking people or religions doesn't come into this argument; it's a matter of how we react to others as human beings - which is exactly what this is all about.
We could have sat on our hands and done nothing when Hitler began persecution the Jews - in Britain's and America's case, our political administrations did - here in Britain, some took to the streets to prevent it happening there - my family among them - my father went to war in 1937 and became a "premature anti-fascist" according to MI5 - his life was ruined for nearly two decades for his doing so.
I get involved in these arguments because I agree totally with the Holocaust survivor friend who once told me "never again - not for anybody".
If you believe me to be an antisemite, as you have said -have the good manners to justify your accusation - otherwise, don't make it.
We have far too many trolls on this forum as it is.
We also have a tiny band of genuine antisemites who are prepared to put the interests of an extremist right-wing administration over those of The Jewish People as a whole (including the "self-hating" ones) - how about commenting on them instead of backing them up?

Your (uncredited) quotes are the opinions of an extremist propaganda organisation called 'STAND WITH US', a open supporter of and propagandist for the Israeli administration with direct ties to that regime.
It's activities were commented on recently in Hollywood's Billboard Magazine
"In response to an open letter in Billboard Magazine by the Creative Community for Peace (CCFP) titled "200 Hollywood Heavyweights Support Israel", some media and activists asked whether Hollywood stars like Ziggy Marley, Seth Rogen and Sarah Silverman were aware that the "Creative Community for Peace" was "a sanitizing front for the right-wing, pro-settler organization StandWithUs, that has deep ties to the Israeli government"
It is particularly interesting to note the international nature of their activities - tends to put the accusation made against the Labour Party into context.
How remiss of you not to mention its source!!
Jim Carroll