The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158911   Message #3815030
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
16-Oct-16 - 01:54 PM
Thread Name: Yet More Clutter's Last Stand - 2016
Subject: RE: Yet More Clutter's Last Stand - 2016
Dorothy, I use one of the temperature plugs in my greenhouse, I used to have one in the garage as well but the dogs sleep in the house at night now, so it isn't needed. (For readers who may have missed the earlier discussions, the Thermo cube plug senses the temperature and turns on the power at ~35o and off at ~45o. It's great for well houses, green houses, places in your house that might freeze without having extra heat. I use the cube with one of the sealed oil radiant heaters.)

My daughter borrowed a large folding cot for an upcoming camping trip, and it dawned on me that a huge non-woven cloth bag that Amazon gift-wrappers used to "wrap" a vacuum cleaner box that was shipped here a couple of years ago would be a good cover. Amazingly, it fit, but she'll have to add velcro or straps or a zipper to the top edge to keep it closed. I know, that packrat in me has me keep things like that, but at least I remembered it was in the hall cupboard so now it has a use.

I've cleared the papers off of most of my office desk (after losing my phone in them a couple of times). I still have a lot of filing to do. And recycling, and I have to get the last few pieces of hardware to put the hall bathroom commode back into commission. The flush mechanism was changed out, but I also need to redo the connector from the wall outlet pipe to the new guts. The old one cracked and leaks. I know how to do this, I've done it before. It is one of those "several trips to the hardware store" kinds of projects.

I've learned that there is a finally an REI (Recreational Equipment Incorporated) store in town. That place is as seductive as a good kitchen gadget store - too many things that are really useful (but that I don't really need). Hats, mittens, jackets, socks, camping gear . . . but now I have a vehicle I can actually use to GO camping. Hmmm.